The Outliers is a historical fantasy series about people with supernatural abilities. The project was produced by the film company "Lunapark" and "Plus Studio".​​​​​​​
Together with the Kinopoisk team, we worked on the development of promotional materials for the film — logo, posters, animation.

Main and character posters.

Creative Director of Plus Studio: Pavel Sitnikov
The leading designer of the Plus Studio: Roman Antonov
Creative producer: Katybekova Leila

Art Director: Ilya Levit, Pasha Marin
Account Director: Denis Vyvdenko
Producer: Denis Ovechko
Graphic design: Pasha Marin, Pavel Voznyuk, Kirill Anferov
Retouching: Alina Stebletsova
CGI: Vasily Nesklada, Danil Kartashev, Pasha Marin, Konstantin Sofronov
Motion design: Maria Garaeva

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